But when we have so much power, who is left to provide 'push back' if we start abusing it? When you're on the 'inside' of a country (as a resident and citizen), as I am, enjoying the benefits of what that power has obtained for us, it's easy to forget that perhaps someone, somewhere, may have hurt someone else to get those benefits for us. Or perhaps they damaged the planet and other life on it, on our behalf. It's all easy when it's out of sight, to put it all out of mind. I just go into a store and buy stuff, so who am I to know how it got there, right? It was on sale.
The attacks of 9/11 might be seen as a different kind of 'push back,' now that the Soviet Union is gone. The theory goes that we in the USA have abused our power around the world and oppressed and hurt other people for our gain. So finally, some of those other people struck back at us with a 'wake up call' that demanded our attention. It makes the 'cold war' seem like a nice alternative, ... sort of.
Of course, it's never quite that simple. People attack each other for a whole host of reasons. But what I'm thinking is this: Just fighting back against the attackers is likely to make matters worse. Yes, it makes sense to defend ourselves. To a point. But if that's all we do, then when does it end? If we fight harder, then others will also fight back harder, and use more clever ways to get past our defenses. An eye for an eye.
Well, I don't want to live in that kind of world. A world of spite, retaliation, grudges that last for generations, and so on. And I'll bet you don't either. Notice, I said "want." Even if I may not be able to see any practical way at the moment, I can still want a world of understanding, mutual support and peace. And it's ok if you want that too, even if you may not see a way right now, either.
What I bet is that right now, everywhere on this planet, there are millions of people who want the same thing, and in fact, act on that every day. People who are listening to others, asking what's needed before offering help, and taking good care of themselves when their own energy needs replenishing.
That is my lesson for today. Take good care of myself. I did good a good job of working today. Now, in the evening, I noticed that I'm already worrying about the tasks that are not yet done. So, I ask myself, can I stop my worry for at least a few moments and give myself credit for what I've done that's good? Can I relax and feel peace in my heart? Yes, I can. For today, only for a few minutes here and there. But it's a practice. Over time, I'll get better at it. And the better I get, the more I can save all that energy I was wasting on worrying, and use it to enhance my life and the lives of the people around me.