Right now, most high school guidance counselors across the country are measuring the success of their high schools by how many of their graduates 'get into college.' After that, we don't hear much about what happens to those students. Do they stay in long enough to get a degree? Of those who do, how many find a well paying job in their chosen field? Not that a job is the only measure of success of an eduction, but considering what it costs to attend college, it is a pretty important one. And of those who don't get a degree, what happens to them? Especially if they have taken out loans?
If this story is pretty much on target, then what are those high schools going to do about all their empahsis on 'college prep' courses and the entire culture that says "you should go to college?" Is it possible that the entire education system will end up being forcibly "reformed fom the top, down?" That is, once colleges start collapsing, then high schools will be next (a their purpose of getting you into college will be diminished), all the way back down to first grade?
And if that does, in fact happen, what does education look like after that? Do you have a vision for the future? I'm interested.