This whole flap in Washington (over the 'repeal' of Obamacare) is only half the story. What nobody seems to be talking about is how badly managed and overpriced our entire medical system is. Doctors? Hospitals? Give me a break! We're arguing about how to pay their exorbitant bills with tax dollars but we're not working hard to reform the amazingly corrupt and messed up medical system we have in the first place.
For example, we have drug companies who have been "inventing diseases" for almost a century by now, just so they could sell their wares. We have doctors doing procedures that have been proven don't really help (such as stents), and getting paid handsomely for it. Until we attack that (with the same fervency that we're now devoting to Obamacare), then we're still not attacking the problem at its roots.
It's as if we're arguing about how much fertilizer to spread on a garden full of weeds that are already out of control. Let's uproot them and plant some real health instead! Then perhaps we can figure out how to pay for the medical care we really need!
For example, we have drug companies who have been "inventing diseases" for almost a century by now, just so they could sell their wares. We have doctors doing procedures that have been proven don't really help (such as stents), and getting paid handsomely for it. Until we attack that (with the same fervency that we're now devoting to Obamacare), then we're still not attacking the problem at its roots.
It's as if we're arguing about how much fertilizer to spread on a garden full of weeds that are already out of control. Let's uproot them and plant some real health instead! Then perhaps we can figure out how to pay for the medical care we really need!