Legal Entity
Glenn C. Koenig is a sole proprietor in Maynard, Massachusetts. He has duly registered “Message Rain," his trademark, as a Doing-Business-As name, filed with the Town of Maynard.
The name “Message Rain” denotes Mr. Koenig in the following:
The name “Message Rain” denotes Mr. Koenig in the following:
Privacy Policy
Message Rain takes reasonable measures to protect personal information against disclosure or misuse.
Personal Information: Such information as email addresses, telephone numbers, street addresses, web site URLs, or social media names, is collected and stored by Message Rain if offered directly to Message Rain by the owner of such information, or made available in public or on social media by the owner of such information, in any media. Message Rain may use this data to send occasional promotional, invitational, or status messages to you. Message Rain does not utilize automatic bulk telephone calling for any purpose. You may request that Message Rain cease sending any unsolicited messages or mail to you at any time by using the Contact Us form on this web site, by email or text, or by US Mail. You may also request that Message Rain delete any information retained about you at any time, except where necessary to verify or complete financial transactions (see below).
Social Security Numbers: Message Rain does not request, collect, store, or use social security numbers in any manner.
Credit Cards: Credit card information (full credit card number, expiration date, confirmation code, and name on card) is passed directly to credit card processing when submitted by a customer at the time of sale and is not retained by Message Rain. Message Rain retains only the last four digits of credit card numbers, date of transaction and amount of transaction when a credit card is submitted for payment. Message Rain utilizes the data it retains for purposes of internal bookkeeping, to reconcile financial statements, and to verify audits.
Checks: Message Rain may retain the personal information as it appears on the face of checks submitted for payment, including Name, Address, Telephone Number, Email address, check number, date, and amount paid; however Message Rain does not collect, store, or use account numbers or bank routing numbers from checks or from any other source. Message Rain submits all checks directly for deposit in a financial institution in a timely manner.
Cash transactions: Message Rain collects and records the amount paid, the date, and the name of the customer, unless said customer asks to remain anonymous, in which case, Message Rain records the transaction as “Cash.”
Data Security: Message Rain takes reasonable measures to keep data retained in its own information storage systems secure from theft or tampering. However, as Message Rain uses some data for the purpose of contacting potential or existing customers through web based email services, social media providers and the like, Message Rain cannot take any responsibility that information thus provided to such services, businesses, or organizations will remain secure when handled by them.
Personal Information: Such information as email addresses, telephone numbers, street addresses, web site URLs, or social media names, is collected and stored by Message Rain if offered directly to Message Rain by the owner of such information, or made available in public or on social media by the owner of such information, in any media. Message Rain may use this data to send occasional promotional, invitational, or status messages to you. Message Rain does not utilize automatic bulk telephone calling for any purpose. You may request that Message Rain cease sending any unsolicited messages or mail to you at any time by using the Contact Us form on this web site, by email or text, or by US Mail. You may also request that Message Rain delete any information retained about you at any time, except where necessary to verify or complete financial transactions (see below).
Social Security Numbers: Message Rain does not request, collect, store, or use social security numbers in any manner.
Credit Cards: Credit card information (full credit card number, expiration date, confirmation code, and name on card) is passed directly to credit card processing when submitted by a customer at the time of sale and is not retained by Message Rain. Message Rain retains only the last four digits of credit card numbers, date of transaction and amount of transaction when a credit card is submitted for payment. Message Rain utilizes the data it retains for purposes of internal bookkeeping, to reconcile financial statements, and to verify audits.
Checks: Message Rain may retain the personal information as it appears on the face of checks submitted for payment, including Name, Address, Telephone Number, Email address, check number, date, and amount paid; however Message Rain does not collect, store, or use account numbers or bank routing numbers from checks or from any other source. Message Rain submits all checks directly for deposit in a financial institution in a timely manner.
Cash transactions: Message Rain collects and records the amount paid, the date, and the name of the customer, unless said customer asks to remain anonymous, in which case, Message Rain records the transaction as “Cash.”
Data Security: Message Rain takes reasonable measures to keep data retained in its own information storage systems secure from theft or tampering. However, as Message Rain uses some data for the purpose of contacting potential or existing customers through web based email services, social media providers and the like, Message Rain cannot take any responsibility that information thus provided to such services, businesses, or organizations will remain secure when handled by them.