How to order "a man wearing a dress"
"a man wearing a dress" is available in paperback and as an eBook. The official publication date was June 1st, 2017 and the on-sale date was September 14th, 2017. The book is now available:.
- at local bookstores
- through online sellers
- at libraries (check with your library)
- as an eBook
- audiobook (not now, but possibly down the road)
Buying from bookstores:
Please use Indiebound to locate a local bookstore near you and place an order directly with them, if possible.
For example, in the greater Boston area, you can order from:
• The Harvard Bookstore in Cambridge
* Newtonville Books in Newton
• Porter Square Books in Cambridge
• Belmont Books in Belmont
• The Maxima Gift Center in East Arlington
• The Book Rack in Arlington Center
• Brookline Booksmith in Brookline
Buying from an online bookseller, such as Amazon:
The book is available on Amazon now.
The list price of the book is $22.00 but individual booksellers control how much of a discount they are offering and can change their price at any time. Some bookstores may offer a lower price than the online price. You may want to check around if that's important to you. Don't worry, the author receives the same royalty regardless of the bookseller's discount.
Ebook Version:
The eBook version should be available for any eBook reader now on the market. However, some versions are available now and others are forthcoming:
Amazon Kindle - now available
Barnes & Noble "nook" - now available
Apple iBooks - available soon (perhaps by May 2018)
Others - please check with your vendor
- at local bookstores
- through online sellers
- at libraries (check with your library)
- as an eBook
- audiobook (not now, but possibly down the road)
Buying from bookstores:
Please use Indiebound to locate a local bookstore near you and place an order directly with them, if possible.
For example, in the greater Boston area, you can order from:
• The Harvard Bookstore in Cambridge
* Newtonville Books in Newton
• Porter Square Books in Cambridge
• Belmont Books in Belmont
• The Maxima Gift Center in East Arlington
• The Book Rack in Arlington Center
• Brookline Booksmith in Brookline
Buying from an online bookseller, such as Amazon:
The book is available on Amazon now.
The list price of the book is $22.00 but individual booksellers control how much of a discount they are offering and can change their price at any time. Some bookstores may offer a lower price than the online price. You may want to check around if that's important to you. Don't worry, the author receives the same royalty regardless of the bookseller's discount.
Ebook Version:
The eBook version should be available for any eBook reader now on the market. However, some versions are available now and others are forthcoming:
Amazon Kindle - now available
Barnes & Noble "nook" - now available
Apple iBooks - available soon (perhaps by May 2018)
Others - please check with your vendor
Audiobook Version:
An Audiobook version is planned for the future. Audiobooks are a lot more work and more costly to produce when compared to printed or eBooks. They are usually only worth producing if the paper and eBook versions sell well. When it's ready, I'll add a blog entry on this web site and issue a press release with details.
An Audiobook version is planned for the future. Audiobooks are a lot more work and more costly to produce when compared to printed or eBooks. They are usually only worth producing if the paper and eBook versions sell well. When it's ready, I'll add a blog entry on this web site and issue a press release with details.
Q: My bookstore says they can't find the book.
A: The book is being published by Ingram Spark as a print on demand title. Most bookstores order their books through Ingram, regardless of publisher. If a title search turns up nothing, try searching by author name, Glenn C. Koenig. If they still cannot find the book, please Contact Us and we will see if we can help you. Be sure to include the name of the bookstore, the city and state in which it's located, and when you inquired.
Q: Why emphasize local bookstores?
A: We believe local bookstores are a valuable asset to the communities in which they are located. Many are able to host readings, book signings, and personalized help in finding what you need. If there is no bookstore near you, or "a man wearing a dress" is not in stock, you can order it and have a copy in your hands within a few days of the on-sale date, or a few days after you order it, after that. Often you can have the book at a similar price and within a similar time frame to online ordering.
Q: Will you be reading the book for the audiobook version or will you have some other narrator read it?
A: I plan to read it myself. I wouldn't have it any other way. It will take some time, as there are over 90,000 words! Also, it takes practice to read it well, there are costs for studio time, and so on. Typically audiobooks are produced if sales of the original book go well.
Q: Is the title of the book in lower case on purpose?
A: Yes.
Please check our Product Blog for the latest updates. There is a Press Release here. If you have any further questions, please Contact Us and we'll try to help.
A: The book is being published by Ingram Spark as a print on demand title. Most bookstores order their books through Ingram, regardless of publisher. If a title search turns up nothing, try searching by author name, Glenn C. Koenig. If they still cannot find the book, please Contact Us and we will see if we can help you. Be sure to include the name of the bookstore, the city and state in which it's located, and when you inquired.
Q: Why emphasize local bookstores?
A: We believe local bookstores are a valuable asset to the communities in which they are located. Many are able to host readings, book signings, and personalized help in finding what you need. If there is no bookstore near you, or "a man wearing a dress" is not in stock, you can order it and have a copy in your hands within a few days of the on-sale date, or a few days after you order it, after that. Often you can have the book at a similar price and within a similar time frame to online ordering.
Q: Will you be reading the book for the audiobook version or will you have some other narrator read it?
A: I plan to read it myself. I wouldn't have it any other way. It will take some time, as there are over 90,000 words! Also, it takes practice to read it well, there are costs for studio time, and so on. Typically audiobooks are produced if sales of the original book go well.
Q: Is the title of the book in lower case on purpose?
A: Yes.
Please check our Product Blog for the latest updates. There is a Press Release here. If you have any further questions, please Contact Us and we'll try to help.