At first, I told her I already have a supplier. I asked how their electricity is generated. She told me that it's 20% renewables.
So I said this:
"I have a contract for 100% wind power. I'm sorry, but I refuse to take the self interest route on this. I don't care if I'm paying a little more. Look, we're facing the dramatic effects of climate change right now. It's already happening! And you want me to go with your system that burns fossil fuels to generate 80% of my electricity? No way!
"I'm with Mother Nature on this one. Me and Mother Nature are on the same team. My self interest doesn't cut it, here. I'm not going to be, ... I just can't be a cheap skate on this. The health of the planet is a higher purpose than my wallet."
She kept asking if I was sure I wanted to keep paying more. Finally, she understood my point and we agreed to end the conversation. "Have a nice day," we each said.
I wonder what's going through her mind as she dials up the next customer, ...
Look, my decision on this won't make the same headlines as who got elected president. Not by a long shot. But this is how we move the revolution forward! If enough people did what I'm doing (and yes, I know not everyone can afford to pay a little more), then the people building those pipelines across sacred lands, etc. would find their revenue drying up!
Please join me and put your money on the line with your principles. This is everyday power. This is the power that everybody, including the 1% and the big corporations understand like no other. Pull the financial rug out from under them and they will have to listen; they will be forced to adapt, regardless of who happens to be president.